Make The World Gentler

I’ve spent a good amount of my life figuring out what I “should” be doing with my life. And I’ve stayed in my little box.

As I’ve gotten serious about connecting to my inner voice and trusting myself more than the world around me, I’ve added regular meditation to my daily “work.” I haven’t yet mastered the art of silent meditation, so I rely on guided meditations on YouTube to focus my thoughts and tune me into my true inner voice. There is a terrific one by Jason Stephenson called Connect to Your Ideal Self that has been really helpful for me personally.

When I am truly tuned in, I know that I don’t have to be anything other than who I am. Coming from years of spinning my wheels to fit in, this has already been a complete mind-shift. And my bleeding heart and sensitivity serve a purpose.

My purpose: to make the world gentler.