It’s Monday, July 5 – the final day of a long holiday weekend. I had plans to visit friends and family in Iowa this weekend, but with my replacement air conditioner taking its time, I couldn’t leave any animals here in the house without me. So we’ve had a pretty relaxing weekend – the dogs especially because they’ve been pretty drugged on calming treats to mitigate their anxiety due to the neighborhood fireworks.
The sibling kittens are still battling ringworm, and we are doing our best. We were so blessed this weekend to be gifted a 3-level cat condo, so I got my bathroom back and they’ve got a new set up where they can see what’s going on a little bit more. I’ve configured a cardboard barrier along the bottom of the condo so they are still inaccessible to curious dog sniffers or Tuna’s paws. I’m so hopeful to keep everyone else ringworm-free! Their names are Molly and Domino – after some fish species.
And the other tiny kitten is thriving and once he decided he was going to eat independently, promptly turned down bottles consistently. I named him Guppy this week – he really is Tuna’s mini me and it just fits. Plus, I love a theme. He’s such a determined, sassy little dude and he’s so fun to watch march across the room. He’s been separate from everyone for a couple weeks now with no signs of ringworm, so I’m lightening up on his playpen house arrest situation.
Otherwise, this weekend has included Sadie’s pool time, a puppy playdate, Sadie’s regular walks through the cemetery, and some snuggles with Sal during the worst of the fireworks last night He seems to be the only one truly bothered by them, so that’s a relief. It could have been a real challenge if everyone decided to be scared shitless at once!
I hope you’ve all had a safe and happy holiday weekend!